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We're Hiring! 

Position: Post Doctoral Associate in Adult Cancer Survivorship

The postdoctoral scholar will use mixed methods research (quantitative and qualitative) to evaluate health outcomes of cancer survivors using administrative health data, conduct patient-oriented research focused on pancreatic cancer, and evaluate decision making along the cancer trajectory using scoping reviews and/or surveys and focus groups. The postdoctoral scholar will work under the supervision of Dr. Colleen Cuthbert, assistant professor in the Faculty of Nursing, Canada Research Chair in Patient and Family Centered Cancer Survivorship, and Dr. Winson Cheung, Professor and Lead for Health Services Research for Oncology in Alberta. Drs Cuthbert and Cheung are health services researchers conducting studies focused broadly on health outcomes in cancer patients. 

Dr. Cuthbert is a mixed methods researcher focused on improving health and wellbeing in cancer survivors through generation of new knowledge, development and testing of supportive care interventions, and evaluating novel models of care. She leads the Cuthbert Lab in the Faculty of Nursing:

Dr. Cheung is conducting studies focused on the application of novel methods to large datasets and electronic health records in cancer. He leads the Oncology Outcomes research group:

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Position: Masters and PhD Students

The Cuthbert Lab is accepting graduate students, please contact us for more information

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